One Clean Field Trip

Why are these students dressed like this?


Last week, SPP Summer School students toured the Nanotechnology Lab at University of Minnesota, which required that everyone wear protective suits. The tour was led by Professor James Marti. He showed them how the lab creates smaller and smaller microchips for our endless array of electronic devices.


After a brief talk with Dr. Marti, it was time to suit up!


As Mr. Wiggin put it, “(The suits) are to protect the work, not the students!”


Since the beginning of July, we’ve had students participating in our Summer School, which is a partnership with Nacel Open Door’s Short Term Program. Many of the students are from groups from France and Taiwan, though we have a few SPP students in the mix as well.


Want to see what else the Summer School Program has been up to? Read about it here, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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Nacel Open Door

Nacel Open Door, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to international understanding and language education.

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